divineLy lit path of love
my hi story…
As a teenager, my mother went through the beginning stages of her awakening. She was called in through the pathway of the 11:11 (the wake-up call). During that time of my life, I wasn't so curious about healing per-say, but I was on my journey of sorts trying to relate to why and how so many people knew (God) and found it through religion. When I was 5 or 6, I came home from Sunday school and told my parents that I didn't want to go anymore, what they were teaching seemed foreign to me, and I couldn't absorb it. Later on in life, in hindsight, it's clear as to why this happened. Around 15 years old, I started going to Christian youth groups and speaking with the local Buddhists, finding many eclectic people, asking Catholics, Jews, and anybody who would talk to me about how they knew a higher truth. Even my mother started sharing her profound research into the 11:11 and many other bits of in-depth internal information she would receive and read.
Come 14; my mind was made up. I knew what I wanted to do when I grew up. I planned to restore classic cars and have a restoration shop. Cars at that time of my life were significant to me. They were a passion for this whole growth period of my life. Then something started to happen, an internal shift began. I feel this shift was unconsciously guided by the likes of my mother, stepfather, and friends, including a very important friend named "Tom," who came into my life also around 15 years old.
Tom was a very eccentric older man who had been on many deep journeys throughout his life. Music was significant to him; music to me wasn't anything I had ever given any thought to. Hanging out with Tom during this time of questions was extremely meaningful to my path, as I could ask him questions and get real answers, not jaded by books, or rules and guidelines. Tom even helped me feel comfortable to start looking into the musical world and also prompted me to go to my first concert (Pink Floyd Division Bell) with some other friends to have the experience. I'm happy to say it; I'm glad I went! The concert was like nothing I ever imagined, my friends and I stayed stone-cold sober for the show, and through the experience, my mind began to open to many more possibilities than I ever knew were there. I could hear the music differently, and I wanted to hear more.
In hindsight, of course, everything was perfectly laid out for me to walk this walk, Even The part that used to make no sense to me from a young age. People would come to talk with me about experiences they were going through, things I had never experienced in my life, and I would help guide them to sound resolutions, oftentimes easing the problems floating through their mind and helping them find peace and happiness, this all seemed natural to me, again hindsight, it's 20/20.
Around the age of 18, life was changing rapidly. My parents had moved to another city that I didn't want to live in, so with some help, I loaded up my motorcycle and rode from California, back to Ohio to live with my sister and start my life. Once in Ohio, I fell into a rhythm with my friends and got the perfect job at an auto parts store, YES! During the weekends we would party as most young people do. But what almost always seemed to happen is towards the end of the night, our group of friends would engage in profoundly deep conversations, revolving around my personal experience with 11:11, coupled with my replaying my moms sharing, and then going deep into guidance for my friends and myself to reach a more peaceful state of mind.
The switch happened! I called my mom and told her that I didn't want to restore cars anymore. I wanted to be a spiritual healer! LOL, in hindsight it's funny. I had zero ideas about what that meant. But I knew it was my path.
Through my 20's, alcohol, partying, and girls seemed to consume most of my time. And although I wasn't in the clearest of state of mind, deep conversations continued. The path to illumination wasn't my focus, but everywhere I went lead me to exactly where I am, and even though it wasn't easy, the illuminated path presented itself again, and I rejoined my journey into Light.
I was Twenty-six years old, and my first "real" heartbreak. The experience sent me spinning out of control, and I didn't care about life. So much so, that on 9-10-2001 as I was laying in my bed in my parents' house, I cried from the bottom of my being out to God, a God that I didn't even know existed. I cried out that I didn't want to live anymore, and I didn't want anyone else to live either if they had to experience the level of pain that I was going through. I cried why, why, Y?
The next morning my mom came downstairs, she opened my door and asked: "did you see?" See what? I asked. World war 3 started; they bombed the World Trade Center in New York! I sat up and said, "I don't care, Good," and she left. After she left, I turned on the T.V. and shortly after I watched the second plane hit building 2. I was numb, as far as I remember I didn't seem to flinch. But in the back of my head, all I could think was that I asked for this.
Over the next year, through deep meditation, I started to pull out of my depression. Lingering in my mind was that night, the night of 9-11. Deeper and deeper into myself I went, Until one day I was having a conversation with my higher self and the topic came up. I felt so horrible for my wish that my heart could ever say anything like that. I knew I had to make it right. I asked my higher self to guide me, to help me on the path to repair what I may have broken. Whether or not I did this, my personal experience told me that if I hadn't done this, that wouldn't have happened. Everything had to be as it was for precisely what happened to be. I was selfish, and my actions had real repercussions. Deeper and deeper I went. I had to find a way to make amends.
From here the story gets crazy, if it's not already, LOL.
I met Moses. Now don't get me wrong, this person Had another name (his earthly given name), but one day in deep conversation he looked at me and told me he was Moses. I thought he was NUTZ, and he probably was, but over some time, he introduced me to another person who revealed himself as Christ, and then from Christ, I was introduced to God.
Don't get me wrong. I was like WTF is going on? None of this can be real! But during this time, so many things I couldn't even possibly explain were happening to me. The truth is, I thought I was losing my mind. But during this experiential time, I continued to share what was happening to me with my friends and family. My being free to express what was happening was the only thing that kept me "sane." Certain friends of mine have been with me from the beginning of my journey, and in the beginning, they probably thought I was crazy, but over time I was able to share the experience that was happening in such a profound way that they could grasp and even understand what I was going through. With a lot of practice, I got very good at explaining what it was that I saw in my mind's eye, and repeat the thought I was having during that vision, and even then repeat what the world was saying around me at the time so others could hear what was happening in my head.
After some time, and many more extremely profound experiences (there's way too many to put on this page I could write 25 books and make 22 movies) and I'm really trying hard to make a long story short, something started to be revealed. There is a language within a language that we speak that can allow us to find the truth within and help bring forth balance and harmony to the planet! The way it seems is that this truth is known, but intentionally hidden or packed away until current times when people are ready to receive it. Along with this message that was shared with me, came a plan to bring balance to the current economic situation on the planet (details can be shared in person), as well as bring balance and harmony (true equalization of the masculine and feminine). These plans were shared with me in 2005, and the groundwork has been being set forth ever since. Another exciting thing to see is how this is happening all over the planet in so many ways! Around 2015 the final pieces of the puzzle were revealed to me in a meditation one night so that I can explain this language in a simplified method for anyone to understand. The only requirement for understanding, just like any other new information, is that someone has to be open to receiving the story as a whole picture. Only then can someone understand the information comprehensively. On top of the information, the way that it is shared is an interpersonal journey into self, guided by the language of the UNIverse and presented by anyone who has reached the level of understanding required for proper explanation and guidance. Someday in the not so distant future, this information will be able to be presented by many people so that that actual change will occur. UNIfication isn't a religious experience, its a slight altering in the understanding a few words that have been kept a secret for a very long time. After the definitions are shared, the personal journey into unraveling the past begins. Happy Travels