Key to the book


The conception of U.n' .I. Incorporated and The U.n' .I. Foundation for Spiritual Wellness came about under other than normal circumstances. In this writing I will attempt to explain something that will to most sound Absolutely insane, but bear with me, this story must be read in its entirety before the full picture can be drawn or any conclusion is reached. The reason that it has to be this way is that the story and the dates in which they actually happened are going to be told out of order, so an already difficult to grasp concept may be even harder to reach until all points are read and the mind connects all of the dots. I know for sure that it is worth it in the end to complete this story.

One of the tools I have learned in my travels is that letters can be words and numbers and vice-versa, as an example, the letter A can equal the number one or have an interpersonal meaning such as the name Adam or even mean Apple or Atom. Kind of like languages where certain words have different meanings depending on what other words surround it. This concept can be complicated to grasp because every individual can have their own way of deciphering these letters due to everyone having their own perception of reality. I'm going to do my best to share truth with you from my understanding and help you find the light within in the same way I have, and many others now have in this process. I am NOT teaching religion, but there is truth in all things out there so some religious and spiritual information will be used as a reference point in this work. This work is being brought in the time of Revelations, the time when all truth is revealed, and the truth lies in the center of everything.

Another tool that I use is what I have learned people call wordsmithing. Its a form of using current language and its dual, or triple meaning words in unconventional ways to bring about a conclusion, as an example, say the words Give Thanks… what do you hear in these words? Many hear the gratitude as an offering, but what you won't hear is the asking for something in a subconscious manner (as in please give to me, Thank You). I've found that these words are deliberately used in a misuse way to keep people from finding this truth too fast. It's been said that the truth is plain to see, but you have to know how to look for it. My hope is that you will have 20/20 vision by the end of this book and will be able to help another individual pull the wool from their eyes.

Lastly, I will be asking you to get involved while reading this book. What I mean by that is I may ask you to draw something or point to something every now and then helping you to SEE what is being told as opposed to you just hearing the information. Most people, in general, believe half of what they see, and none of what they hear, so incorporating visual aid should help in the process of comprehending this information. Also, this book at times will read like a choose your own adventure book, where you will be asked a question, and depending on your answer at the time, a page will be set for you to skip forward or backward to. The explanations are interpersonal, so everything has to be agreed upon inside yourself for the next step to make sense.

Happy reading,

Michael Angel

All there is in existence is U and I. This seemingly ridiculous statement is found in many spiritual and religious practices around the world, although in entirely different terms, yet it brings the same information. Through lifetimes of journeying, A simplified explanation of existence, and a simplified way to achieve a state of oneness and fulfillment have been brought to the people of our great planet. This explanation comes in the simple letters U and I. To completely grasp the meaning of U and I, an individual also has to know Y truly.

In this writing, I will do my best to convey a truth that has taken millennia to receive, process, and interpret. First and foremost, it is essential to understand that this information is being given in a general format, If and when you hear this from an individual who has gone through their "UNIfication," the information will be personalized for you and your individual perception of truth. Every human on this planet has been blessed with the ability to "see" the world and everything in it from their own view. This view, your "I," could, for all intents and purposes be called your Spirit. Everything that we "see" through our Spirit eye is "U."

Lets back up for a second… We can start off with this… in reality, all there is, is "U" ( point to your Heart Chakra) And "I" (now point to your third eye Chakra). "U," is soul, or Creator (or any word that anyone has ever called everything) and "I," is Spirit. Spirit is our individuality, our singular perception of everything, or how we experience "U." EVERYTHING is "U" (point to everything around you). The way this can be said is, All there is in the world is "U" and "I." If you can truly grasp this concept, then you are well on the way to personal healing and welcoming in a universal shift, so thank U. If not, then the explanation of such will guide you onto the path to inner cleansing and UNIversal healing weather it is wanted or needed. This shift IS happening whether we want it or not. How smooth the transformation will be is the only thing we have a choice over. For now, let's go back and focus on "U."

The letter U can be heard as the word you, and it's designed specifically for that purpose. Also, it is the 21st letter in our Alphabet. The number 21 can be broken down into 7x3 or 777. Many numerologists, spiritualists, and religious texts relate the number 777 to your highest self, or Creator (I will use the word Creator to describe the nothing that is everything, or what some call God, or Allah, or any of the other names that have been used. The number 7 also is the letter G in the English Alphabet. G can be seen as the initial of the word God, or Geometry. In addition, the number 7 has many relations in our dimensional reality such as the simplified number of Chakras, the number of continents, number of seas, colors in the rainbow, deadly" sins," and the number of names of "God" in Hebrew.

An intriguing thing about our reality is that Creator in its divine form is unattainable. To most (including me for a very long time), the absence of something meant it doesn't exist. It has taken a VERY long time, but I feel that the next few sentences will help even the most skeptical of us see the reason why it hast be this way. My first question is, what is the first number in the number line? If you answer number 1, I'll ask you to grab two rulers. Set both rulers beginning to beginning (one of them will be upside down). There you can see both of the "ones," but there is a number that is not written on either ruler, but it IS there in "value." What is that number? It is the number that all other numbers, positive and negative come from. It is the number Zero. The number Zero has a placed value of nothing, nothing is absolutely unexplainable in all reality. Does this make sense? No? O.k. Can you define nothing? Please do, I will give you all the paper in existence, and I'll bet everything that I have that there's no way you can ever define, or describe nothing. Why might you ask? How can I be so sure? Well, any way that you try to define nothing is actually something. Whether you are using words, a picture, a sound, or even a lack of sound or stillness, all of these things are something. This makes the experience of nothing unattainable to anything living in "duality." The only way we can EVER experience nothing is through its movement into everything. Everything comes from nothing, or better said, nothing created everything. Here is a mind-blower… nothing (no thing) is Creator, this is why we have such a problem on the planet. Creator has been given the identity of many things or people or animals. Even the word "God" represents itself as a thing. Even the word nothing, in all its attempt, is actually something. The best I can do for anybody is help them see the truth of this paradox, and guide them to inner faith in nothing the same way I have found it. If "U" exists within myself, and "U" is everything else, and "I" genuinely have faith in "U" which is Creator, which is no thing. Then as I offer my Love, appreciation, service, and even my life to "U," I am empowering the nothing that is everything that exists within myself. In other words, my actions and intentions are to give outwards to everything, thus realizing that everything is actually within myself. True self-empowerment.

The letter I can be heard as the word eye, and again that has designed intent. Also, it is the 9th letter in our Alphabet. The number 9 can be broken down to 3x3 or 333. Many numerologists, spiritualists, and religious texts relate the numbers 333 to the Trinity, or third-dimensional reality, our awakening. The third-dimensional reality is one that is processed in the minds "eye." Our brain, a very complex processor, processes the information that it receives through the body's eyes, that information is delivered in the format of light. Light is simply energy (everything that we "see" is light), which is composed of protons, neutrons, and electrons. We could look at these things as positive (+), negative (-), and nothing (0). These symbols could also be explained as the Trinity. Another way to interpret this is light, dark, and nothing that creates light and dark. The brain interprets the Trinity of information and creates a picture, this picture is displayed in the minds "I" which, the way I have been shown, is our Spirit, our own personal piece of nothing viewing the film of the movie the mind creates after the brain processes the information. The letter "I" can be seen as the initial of the word individual, intuition, or instinct, there are 9 planets, 9 known types of energy, and it is the last "individual" number before we move into a combination of digits. (see links below)

Another fascinating thing to explore in our experience is that everything we have learned is what we have been taught or "programmed" to know. This truth can allow us to unlearn the program, remain within the program, or to see the program for what its intended purpose is, and then look at it from another standpoint. Again, the choice in which way we view reality is all dependent upon our own personal desire to accept our place, or, to want more out of life. In the recent past, something has shifted in humanity, more and more people are asking the question "why," why is seen as a symbol "?", and it is also a letter "Y." Do you know why? Well, when asked like this (why) an individual is asking for an answer from the perspective of whomever they are speaking too (do you know why you feel sad?) or ( can you tell me why the sky is blue?). Both of these questions have answers, one of them will be based on feelings, and one will be based on scientific discovery interpreted from the mouth of an individual. Is it possible for 2 people to give the exact same answer to a question based on feelings? If you think no keep reading (please don't skip around, have faith in your first inner answers so you can absorb at your own personal pace) If you think yes, skip ahead to the next paragraph. From my understanding of language (and there are many many languages), an answer to a question such as, (do you know why you feel sad?) has a potential of an infinite number of possibilities. Most would simply say something to the effect of, Yes, I'm sad because my car is broken, or I'm sad because the dolphins are dying in the ocean from plastic netting. Both of these are seemingly personal answers, but is there a deeper UNIfied reason people feel and express these emotions? Hold that thought, we will get back to it in a little while.

The second question is one based on scientific findings presented as fact. Why is the sky blue? Anybody and everybody can read a scientific text and read the answer as "fact," but what we fail to see when we do this, is that there are hundreds, if not hundreds of thousands of different variations of the answers to this question. The only way that my statement is not valid is if EVERY text in EVERY language was written using EXACTLY the same language, using the EXACT same words, then interpreted and reread out loud in EXACTLY the same tone with EXACTLY the same stress on EVERY syllable. This is because of the nature of the dualistic experience. Duality, the condition of the world we almost unanimously agree that we exist in, can be broken down into 2 energies, positive and negative. Positive and negative denote mathematical terms (the scientific world). Mathematics is an "abstract science" based upon numbers. Numbers have representation in letters as we touched on earlier briefly. Numbers also have representation in sound, such as notes and tones (harmonics). So for everything to be said absolutely, everyone would have to read the same letters as a description, then recite them in precisely the same tone for the answer to any question of (why?) to be answered absolutely. There is a reason that this CANNOT happen in a duality. Duality has no absolute." The nature of duality dictates that a "1" will also have a "-1," or every action will have an equal or opposite reaction. This gives us our individuality until we solve the problem. What is the problem you ask? Mathematics is the problem. But without mathematics, it would seem that our world would not exist. This is a great philosophical question, what happens after math? Or what is the aftermath? Math is here, the question is whether we know how to see it accurately or not. Here is a dictionary definition of aftermath…

aftermath |ˈaftərˌmaTH|


1 the consequences or aftereffects of a significant unpleasant event: food prices soared in the aftermath of the drought.

2 Farming new grass growing after mowing or harvest.

One perception of the word denotes in the mind, destruction, or a devastating unpleasant event, which in turn creates a subconscious fear of the event. I'll ask you a series of questions for you to ponder…

1. Is life pleasant? If you answered yes, go to question 2. If you answered no, go to question 4. If you answered sometimes, go to question 3.

2. Is life always pleasant? If you answered no, go to question 3. If you answered yes, we will explore this when you receive your personal UNIfication

3. Is life painful? If you answered yes, go to question 4. If you answered sometimes, go to question 5

4. Is life always painful?

5. Do you understand the reason life has to be pleasure and pain based on the experience of duality? Everyone, please read on

The agreed-upon experience of duality HAS to have both of everything, peace and war, up and down, organic and mechanic. All of these things are the experience of separation as we have been programmed to see it. So when we read, and or hear answers to the question of "why," the letters and sounds forming the words process through our brain, and our mind which is the Decrypter of our interpersonal understanding of our experience draws a picture for us to "see" the explanation. No two people see the answer EXACTLY the same, well at least not yet. When we do, we will have gone through the trials and tribulations of life and will be accepting of the aftermath without fear of the unpleasant experience the word denotes.

Here are a few examples of numerology and their meanings… There are many more, but they all generally say the same things. If you follow the information trail, it paints a perfect picture… Paint by numbers, like we all learned when we were kids.

There is much much more information, so much in fact that I could write forever, But a simplified way and understanding will allow one to create a beautiful profoundly deep understanding of how perfect life is, and how to empower each other while simultaneously empowering ones self.